2024-01-12 16:01  







2014/3 - 2018/9,东南大学,动力工程及工程热物理,博士

2003/9 - 2006/4,安徽工业大学,冶金工程,硕士

1999/9 - 2003/7,安徽工业大学,热能与动力工程,学士




1. 安徽省教育厅,高校学科(专业)拔尖人才学术资助项目(重点gxyqZD2021108

2. 中国博士后科学基金项目,基于自热平衡焦炉煤气重整制氢的核壳型钢渣源复合吸收剂设计及反应机理研究(中国博士后科学基金第68 批面上资助,2020M680614

3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(2018),改性生物质焦脱硝及协同钙基循环脱碳的机理研究(51806002)25

4. 2021年 南京依涛环保科技有限公司委托项目 连续型吸附-紫外光解一体化处理VOC废气工艺开发

5. 2021年 芜湖新兴铸管有限责任公司委托项目 脱硫灰渣及废硫酸联合处置工艺开发


1. 大规模在线开放课程(MOOC)示范项目 太阳能利用技术与装置(2019mooc102

2. 校级重点教改项目  基于研究型教学的“高效课堂”教学模式培育与建构研究(2020jy22


1. Lihui Zhang, Yuyi Liu, Feng Duan*, Metal recovery and heavy metal migration characteristics of ferritic stainless steel pickling sludge reduced by municipal sludge[J], Waste Management 144 (2022) :57-66SCI 一区)

2. Lihui Zhang, Feng Duan*, Simultaneous NO/CO2/CO removal by modified peanut shell biochars in Ca-L/CARBONOx process[J], Fuel,317(2022) 123474, SCIE

3. Lihui Zhanga , 1 , Songshan Cao a , b , 1 , Zhi Li a , Haixuan Zhang a , Feng Duan a , *Pore structure of sludge char and simultaneously NO removal characteristics in the treated flue gas from Ca-L[J], Fuel,289 (2021) 119937

4. Li-Hui Zhang * , Zhi Li, Shou-Meng Yang, Feng Duan* . Dried sludge reburning blended with calcium magnesium acetate addition in a fluidized bed combustor, Waste Management 123 (2021) 120–130SCI 一区)

5. Yang S.M. Zhang L.H.*, Duan F. Calcium oxide-enhanced phosphorus recycling using sewage sludge degradative solvent extraction technology [J] Fuel, 322, 124263, 2022

6. Li-Hui Zhanga, b, Qing-Chao Gonga, b, Feng Duana, b, Chien-Song Chyangc,* ,Cheng-You Huangc.Emissions of gaseous pollutants, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins,  and polychlorinated dibenzofurans from medical waste combustion in a batch fluidized-bed incinerator   [J] Journal of the Energy Institute2020, 931428-1438SCI 二区)

7. Zhang L.H., Duan F.,*, Wu X.R., NO and SO2 removal and pore structure evolution during reburning with calcium magnesium acetate blended peanut shell [J] Journal of the Energy Institute 93 (2020) 614-623SCI 二区)

8. Zhang L.H., Duan F., Huang Y.*, Chyang C. Utilization of an organic calcium compound to reduce SO2 and NO emissions from sewage sludge combustionEnergy & Fuels2018, 32, 3950-3957SCI 二区)

9. Zhang L.H., Yang X.J., Fang D.D., Duan F.,* Wang P.* Grindability, thermogravimetric characteristics, and kinetics analysis of semibiochar from coarse wood pyrolyzed in a fluidized bed [J]. AsiaPacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2020, 15, e2458


10. Fang D.D.# ,Zhang L.H.# ,Duan F., et al. Combustion and pollutant emissions characteristics of Camellia oleifera shells in a vortexing fluidized-bed combustor [J] Journal of the Energy Institute 93 (2020) 739-751SCI 二区)

11. Yunxiang Zhao,† Lihui Zhang,*,†, Feng Duan*, Mixing Transition Characteristics of Binary Particles in a Fluidized Bed Using the HilbertHuang Transformation [J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 1805818072


12. Li, Jingang; Zhang, Li-Hui*; Duan, Feng* Effect of the dried and hydrothermal sludge combustion on calcium carbonate decomposition in a simulated regeneration reactor of Calcium-looping [J] Energy & Fuels, 2020, 34, 47454753SCI 二区)

13. Zhang S.L., Zhang L.H.*, Duan F. Sulfation, pore, and fractal properties of hydrated spent calcium magnesium acetate from calcium-based looping [J] Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 9(3): 539-552, 2019


张丽徽 , 段锋 , 刘宇怡 , 李智 , 杨守猛,一种太阳能污泥干燥系统,2021-04-06CN202110366218.9



2019-2020学年 安徽工业大学本科生导师制“优秀指导教师”

